Polymer additives Polymer additives
Product Name

Polymer additives or additives are substances that are added in low percentages to various polymers to improve desired properties such as improving processability, increasing thermal resistance, increasing resistance to scratches, impact, etc.

دریافت فایل

Polymer additives or additives are substances that are added in low percentages to various polymers to improve desired properties such as improving processability, increasing thermal resistance, increasing resistance to scratches, impact, etc. The molecular weight of polymer additives is relative to a The polymer is lower and the percentage of their use in the formulation is very small. During the process of extrusion or injection of raw materials, due to the high heat and the mechanism of shear stress created on the raw materials, the possibility of destruction and burning of the created polymer is very high, so in order to prevent this situation and also to improve the processability, smoothing, non-sticking of the materials Melt to Mardon Extruder, mold and head, the use of polymer additives is inevitable. The consumption of these additives is different in different polymers such as polyamides, polyolefins and polyesters, and the percentage used will be different according to each of these components. Was.

Distinctive Features